What is body neutrality and how do I find it?

As we step into this new year, I wanted to chat with you about something close to my heart - the concept of body neutrality. So, grab a cup of tea, find a cozy spot, and let's dive into this.

Body neutrality, to me, is like a warm hug for the soul. It's about embracing and accepting our bodies without the constant pressure to love or hate them. It's recognizing that our worth extends far beyond physical appearance, transcending societal expectations. With that in mind, BN helps us to detach from our bodies as our whole sense of worth. The reality is - bodies change, they eb and flow with our lives and if we buy into the toxicity of the fitness industry which hooks us on believing that we are at our happiest when our bodies are smallest then how do we cope when illness, injury, age, or just general life gets in the way of all the things we have to do to maintain that body size? The answer: we don’t… that’s when most people fall into negative habits, mindsets and behaviours that can have a profoundly negative impact on our lives.

However when we become body neutral - we accept that our bodies are just a skin suit that we wear to navigate this amazing life - that they will change and that’s ok because we understand and believe that our worth is not in how we look and with that we release the power diet culture has over us and step into a life that is no longer affected by how we look.

Now, let's be real - achieving body neutrality isn't a one-size-fits-all journey. It's a personal exploration, a dance with self-discovery and in all honesty - it’s hard work. Like anything worthwhile, it’s not going to happen overnight- So, how do we find it?

  1. Mindful Self-Reflection: Take a moment, my lovely friend, to reflect on your relationship with your body. What messages have you internalized over the years? How have societal norms influenced your perception? Understanding the roots of your thoughts is the first step towards freedom. When you can recognise these thoughts and where they came from you can then start to call them out. I want to be clear that I don’t believe this practice will negate all negative self talk - we are human and humans are complex, plus we have been taught these messages, especially as women - for eons, so realistically they might never go away - but what will change is how they affect you. I still have negative body image days but because I am so aware that these are just thoughts and not truths - i am now able to recognise them, deal with them and move on with my day, instead of going on a wild diet and obsessive exercise regime as I would have done in the past.

  2. Gratitude Practice: In the hustle of life, it's easy to forget the incredible things our bodies do for us every day. Start by appreciating the simple yet miraculous acts – the beating heart, the breath that sustains you, the strength that allows you to move and then get more specific when you are ready, what has your body done for your life? Do you realise how amazing it is? Like seriously, have you ever sat and thought about what a marvel the human body is? All the things it does on the daily to help you get from A to B? It truly is a wonder and silly diet culture has allowed us to reduce it to what it looks like! The least interesting thing your body can do :( most of which is just genetics and your luck in the lottery of life and circumstance! Start focusing on what your body does over what it looks like and you’ll see that gratitude is a powerful force that shifts our focus from flaws to wonders.

  3. Dismantling External Influences: We live in a world saturated with unrealistic beauty standards. Unfollow accounts that perpetuate harmful ideals, surround yourself with diverse representations of beauty, and remember that your uniqueness is your strength.

  4. Celebrating Non-Appearance Achievements: Life is a tapestry woven with accomplishments that go beyond physical appearance. Take a moment to revel in your achievements – be it personal growth, kindness extended to others, or the resilience you've shown in the face of challenges. You are a radiant force beyond measure and there is no one else who is exactly like you on this earth- you are a marvel queen and if you take a moment to write some of that down you take the power back from the negative conditioning you’ve faced in your life <3

  5. Connecting with Others: Reach out, to the wonderful humans around you. Share your journey, listen to theirs, and foster a community of support. The power of shared experiences and collective strength is immeasurable. It’s one of the reasons we are so successful at SLAM - because we are more than a gym, we are a community who have come together to dismantle the toxicity we’ve been fed our whole lives, with that comes honesty and integrity- sharing what we have been through and in that connection there is big power babe energy!

  6. Self-Compassion and Patience: This journey isn't linear, and that's perfectly okay. Embrace the bumps, acknowledge the setbacks, and be gentle with yourself. You're a work of art in progress, and every stroke adds to your unique masterpiece. You will have good and bad days and that is A-ok. Remember always that you are human and you deserve to be happy no matter how your body looks!

Remember that our bodies are vessels of strength, resilience, and beauty in diverse forms. It’s time to break free from the confines of societal norms, dance to the rhythm of our own hearts, and embrace the liberating concept of body neutrality.

Wishing you love, light, and boundless self-discovery in the coming year.