The Mutha Ship Academy

The Mutha ship academy is a unique platform by Strong Like a Mutha, offering education for coaches that empowers them to level up their offering, provide inclusive services, and fearlessly advocate for women in the fitness industry.

We also provide supportive workshops, courses, and training programs for prenatal, postnatal, menstruating, and menopausal people who are keen to know more about building a sustainable, supportive, and life-changing relationship with exercise that takes into consideration their unique experience.


Why we are here

Hello! I am Lyndsey and I am an Empowerment Coach who specializes in strength training, health, and well-being for women. I have been coaching women for 17 years and supporting Pre and Postnatal people for 7 of those. I started my business because I felt let down by the fitness industry, the lack of education and understanding of my unique needs often led me to engage in things that were damaging to my physical and mental well-being, and as a result, I had a very toxic relationship with exercise. The birth of my son prompted me to look for something that allowed me to be an athlete as well as a mother and when I couldn’t find it- I decided to build it. Fast forward 7 years and I am now the owner of Glasgow’s go-to gym for pre and postnatal education and women’s well-being- Strong Like a Mutha or SLAM for short.

After hearing stories from my members of how left out they had felt by the fitness industry and how after joining SLAM, they were able to build sustainable and healthy relationships with their bodies and minds, I knew that I wanted to share my education and experience with other coaches, 2 years ago I launched The Mutha Ship Academy with our education course Beyond the Qualification, my aim was to help empower and educate coaches to better serve women in the fitness industry and in a short period of time we have now supported over 50 coaches and gyms as well as providing education for prenatal, postnatal, menstruating and menopausal people.

I believe exercise is for everyone and for too long our industry has been an intimidating and exclusive place for all humans, I want to change that and build an industry that is educated, empowered, and equipped with the knowledge, skills, and tools to allow all humans to access the life-changing benefits of strength training.


What We Do

The Mutha Ship Academy offers resources, training, courses, and mentorship for everyone who is interested in how Pregnancy, Childbirth, Menstruation, and Menopause affect our life experience and is looking for tools to support their clients, partners, or themselves. Our offerings range from online movement classes and workshops to qualifications for coaches.

Why Choose Us

Lyndsey has trained with some of the best names in pre and postnatal education as well as being a retired athlete and mother herself, she has taken her education and lived experience alongside over 17 years of supporting other humans in the fitness industry and poured them into courses, educational resources, classes and workshops that are easy to understand, access and implement for all humans. 


For Coaches

Our unique platform offers self led education, group training and 1-2-1 resources for coaches who are ready to level up their offering and empower themselves with the knowledge as well as actionable steps to provide inclusive and supportive space for all of their clients.

For Pre and Postnatal People

From pre conception to pregnancy to childbirth and beyond we have developed a unique platform with a variety of offerings that allow YOU to choose the support you need. Our services range from online classes to downloadable PDF’s, with a range of prices to suit all budgets.

For Menstruating and Menopausal People

Menstrual and Menopausal Awareness is something I believe that all humans should invest in. As coaches we will work with a variety of humans, a large percentage of which will be those who menstruate or experience Menopause, and understanding this deeply unique hormone cycle will allow us to better inform ourselves and better support our clients.

The reality is that coaching people who menstruate is very different from coaching those who don't and investing in a deeper understanding means that we can remove the shame and stigma attached to menstruation and use this knowledge to help our clients and ourselves build healthier and happier relationships with exercise.