Posts tagged self compassion
Overcoming Anxiety & Stress

In the fast-paced and ever-changing world we live in, anxiety and stress have become unwelcome companions for many of us. The pressures of work, relationships, and life in general are overwhelming. The NHS is on it’s knees, there isn’t a whole lot of support out there and we are collectively struggling which makes peer support harder to come by. So how do we find the power to transform fear into fearlessness and take control of our mental well-being?

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What is body neutrality and how do I find it?

Body neutrality, to me, is like a warm hug for the soul. It's about embracing and accepting our bodies without the constant pressure to love or hate them. It's recognizing that our worth extends far beyond physical appearance, transcending societal expectations. With that in mind, BN helps us to detach from our bodies as our whole sense of worth. The reality is - bodies change, they eb and flow with our lives and if we buy into the toxicity of the fitness industry which hooks us on believing that we are at our happiest when our bodies are smallest then how do we cope when illness, injury, age, or just general life gets in the way of all the things we have to do to maintain that body size?

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DECEMBER WINTER WARMER SERIES: Unleashing Your Creative Energy

Ever notice how picking up a paintbrush or putting pen to paper can feel like a burst of fresh air for your mind? The connection between creative expression and mental well-being is nothing short of magical.

Creating art is a form of release. It's a way to externalize what's inside, making space for new thoughts, emotions, and perspectives. Whether it's painting, writing, or dancing, the act of creation can be therapeutic, providing an avenue for processing feelings and fostering self-discovery.

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What happened when I switched off from Social Media

I feel that call to go inward, I get this weird temptation to spend all of my time scrolling through social media. I then start to compare myself to every other business/human/parent and because my energy is lower and it’s time for me to answer that call to surrender, something I naturally find quite difficult, I start telling myself all of these lies about how I’m not doing enough. So, last year I wanted to experiment further and decided I was going to take an extended break and see what happened, I stayed away from social media for a year.

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