Posts tagged Strength Training
Food that will help you get strong AF!

It’s January and diet culture is out in full force. This week alone I have seen at least 30 posts about how to “get in shape for the new year” and the frustrating thing is that most of them have piggybacked on “self-love” or “intuitive eating” In order to pretend they aren’t promoting a toxic diet message. The thing is - being slim might be something you think will make you feel good BUT tell me, what good is a slim body going to do if you are weakened from starving yourself? How much life will you be able to enjoy if you are as fatigued from grueling exercise classes and a lack of nutrients? For so long we have been told to get smaller and we’ll feel better and we are calling TIME on that narrative. We want you to feel strong, empowered, and like your badass self, and starving yourself is not going to make that happen. So in a world telling you what not to eat, here’s a breath of fresh air - a blog all about the amazing things food can do for you:

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SLAM REVOLUTION SERIES: Debunking Myths About Women and Weightlifting

Today, we're delving deeper into the myths surrounding women and weightlifting. It's time to challenge these misconceptions and explore the health benefits that go beyond conventional beauty standards.

At SLAM we want to debunk these myths and help you to embrace the empowering health benefits of strength training. It's not about conforming to societal standards or superficial ideals. It's about prioritizing our health and happiness, both physically and mentally.

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SLAM REVOLUTION SERIES: Embracing Strength as a Woman

You see, for far too long, society has tried to place us in neat little boxes, telling us what we "should" and "shouldn't" do. From what we wear, how we look, and even to the weight we lift (or don’t), there's a long list of expectations that have been handed down to us.

But here's the thing: those expectations aren't ours to carry. They're not your truth. They're not my truth. They're just heavy burdens that have held us back from reaching our full potential.

How many times have you hesitated before stepping into the weight room at the gym, wondering if it was the right place for you? I've been there too. It's natural to have those moments of self-doubt, thanks to the voices that have whispered in our ears since we were little girls. But those voices are wrong.

Today, I want to invite you to question those expectations and to let go of the limitations that society tries to place on us. We're not here to conform; we're here to transform.

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