DECEMBER WINTER WARMER SERIES: Finding Strength in Sisterhood - Navigating the 'Winter Blues'

Let's strip it down. Winter isn't all fun and games. The dark, cold days can mess with our mood and energy levels. You're not alone if the lack of sunlight makes you feel like hibernating. Then there's the pressure cooker of holiday preparations, and let's not even start on family dynamics.

But guess what? We're all in this together. And when we stand side by side, that's when the magic happens.

The Power of Sisterhood, Unleashed

Sisterhood isn't just a word; it's a revolution. It's the bond you share with your fiercest friends, the love you find in your chosen family, and the connection you build within your communities. It's the belief that together, we are a force of nature.

In the spirit of feminism and intersectionality, we're here to shout it from the rooftops - we're stronger when we join hands and hearts. Sharing our experiences, our stories, and our feelings is a game-changer. Together, we can transform the winter blues into an opportunity for personal growth and empowerment.

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SLAM REVOLUTION SERIES: Inspiring Stories of Strength

Today, we're embracing the incredible power of community and support! We are celebrating the inspiring women, including some well-known figures, who've found strength in unity. The SLAM Revolution is in full swing, and we're inviting you to be a part of this empowering movement. As the great Maya Angelou once said, "We all should know that diversity makes for a rich tapestry, and we must understand that all the threads of the tapestry are equal in value no matter their color." When women come together, we weave a beautiful tapestry of inspiration and empowerment. We inspire each other to reach new heights, cheering for every step of the journey.

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SLAM REVOLUTION SERIES: The Mind-Body Connection

Today, we're delving deep into the profound mind-body connection that strength training offers. Beyond the visible physical changes, lifting weights can be a transformation of your mental and emotional well-being. It's a journey of self-discovery and empowerment, and I want to take you even deeper into the world of emotional and mental benefits that transcend societal beauty ideals.

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SLAM REVOLUTION SERIES: Debunking Myths About Women and Weightlifting

Today, we're delving deeper into the myths surrounding women and weightlifting. It's time to challenge these misconceptions and explore the health benefits that go beyond conventional beauty standards.

At SLAM we want to debunk these myths and help you to embrace the empowering health benefits of strength training. It's not about conforming to societal standards or superficial ideals. It's about prioritizing our health and happiness, both physically and mentally.

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SLAM REVOLUTION SERIES: Embracing Strength as a Woman

You see, for far too long, society has tried to place us in neat little boxes, telling us what we "should" and "shouldn't" do. From what we wear, how we look, and even to the weight we lift (or don’t), there's a long list of expectations that have been handed down to us.

But here's the thing: those expectations aren't ours to carry. They're not your truth. They're not my truth. They're just heavy burdens that have held us back from reaching our full potential.

How many times have you hesitated before stepping into the weight room at the gym, wondering if it was the right place for you? I've been there too. It's natural to have those moments of self-doubt, thanks to the voices that have whispered in our ears since we were little girls. But those voices are wrong.

Today, I want to invite you to question those expectations and to let go of the limitations that society tries to place on us. We're not here to conform; we're here to transform.

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Magical Traditions of Samhain

As the air turns crisp and leaves paint the world in shades of gold and crimson, the ancient Celtic festival of Samhain beckons us to step into a world where the veil between realms is at its thinnest. Samhain, pronounced "sow-in," is a time to honor our ancestors, embrace the mysteries of life and death, and partake in a tapestry of magical traditions that have been passed down through generations. In this blog, we'll delve into the enchanting world of Samhain traditions, from divination and spellcasting to creating altars and crafting potent potions, to help you enhance your celebration.

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Unearthing the Sister Wound: how the persecution of women as witches shaped our relationships

The pages of history are tainted with tales of persecution, and one of the darkest chapters involves the witch hunts that swept through Europe and colonial America from the 15th to the 18th century. Thousands of women were accused of witchcraft, subjected to horrifying trials, and often executed. Beyond the obvious atrocities, this persecution left behind a lingering scar, one that has come to be known as the "sister wound”

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Why we should never forget the witch trials..

The history of witchcraft in Scotland is a fascinating and often overlooked chapter in the annals of our nation's past. While it may conjure images of broomsticks and cauldrons, the reality of Scotland's witch trials and the persecution of alleged witches is a deeply important and somber part of our history. Understanding this history is not just a matter of academic interest; it holds critical lessons and insights for future generations. In this blog, we will explore why the history of witchcraft in Scotland is so important for those who will come after us.

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Women and the Moon: Embracing the Lunar Magic of Samhain

The moon has been a silent witness to the ebb and flow of human existence, its phases mirroring the ever-changing rhythms of life. For women, in particular, the moon has held a profound and intimate connection throughout the ages. As we approach Samhain, the ancient Celtic festival that marks the end of the harvest season and the beginning of winter, it is the perfect time to explore this celestial bond and the empowering influence of lunar phases on the feminine spirit.

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The History of Samhain: Unraveling the Origins of Halloween's Ancestral Celebration

As the leaves turn crimson and the chill of autumn settles in, our thoughts often turn to the enchanting festivities of Halloween. Yet, beneath the costumes and sweets, lies a rich tapestry of history and tradition woven into the very fabric of this holiday. To truly appreciate Halloween, we have to venture back in time to explore the origins of its most ancient predecessor: Samhain.

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Why carbs are your friends

In a world where diet trends and fads constantly vie for our attention, it's essential to remember that not all nutrients are created equal. Carbohydrates, often misunderstood and even demonized in some circles, play a pivotal role in our health and well-being. Today, I want to talk to you about why women, in particular, need carbohydrates as an essential part of our diets.

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Lyndsey Roberts
Celebrating Bisexual Visibility Day: Breaking Down Barriers and Embracing Diversity

Every year on September 23, the LGBTQ+ community and its allies come together to celebrate Bisexual Visibility Day. This day serves as a crucial reminder of the unique struggles faced by bisexual individuals and highlights the importance of recognizing and respecting their identities. In this article, we will explore the significance of Bisexual Visibility Day and why it matters in the ongoing fight for LGBTQ+ rights and acceptance.

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Lyndsey Roberts
Should you compliment others on their weight loss? 

In today's blog, I want to talk to you about the urge we all feel to comment on someone’s weight loss. This is such a complex issue and one that always raises lots of questions and what if’s. I want to unpack some of those with you, we’ll be looking at…

Why commenting on other people's bodies can be harmful 

If there are any situations in which weight loss compliments are acceptable

The complimentary language you can use instead to lift each other up 

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Lyndsey Roberts
The benefits of lifting heavy things

When you think of strength training or going to the gym, what comes to mind? For me, it used to be to get smaller - proving that I was worth something by punishing myself to fit that “ideal” body shape and finally feel accepted.  I’m not throwing shade at people who exercise to lose weight, but I think that a lot of people mix up healthiness with thinness. 

You know I’m going to say it- our old foe - Diet Culture(!!!), teaches us that the most important thing in life is that we look the part and when we focus solely on exercise as a means of changing how our bodies look we might just miss out on some of the other fantastic benefits. So whether you are looking for an excuse to start moving ya fine body or if you’re a strength training master, I’d love to invite you to come read all about the benefits of lifting heavy things that you might not be aware of… 

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Lyndsey Roberts
My Postnatal Journey

This is me the first time I left the house after having H. He was 1 week old. It was also the first time I’d washed my hair or looked in the mirror. I felt like I was totally bossing it until I got to the corner shop which is literally at the end of our street and had to buy painkillers for the searing pain in my stitches, cue me then shuffling home praying that my insides wouldn’t fall out and feeling like my body would never be the same again.

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Lyndsey Roberts
Tips to help you progress at the gym

Navigating the gym can feel like a minefield, right? I totally get that and to be honest it’s not just beginners who feel this way. The reason we always advocate for having a good quality coach is because not only does it give you accountability and support with your progress at the gym but having someone else plan your workouts also takes a lot of barriers out of the way when it comes to keeping a consistent exercise habit. 

But let’s say having a coach isn’t accessible to you right now for whatever reason and you’d love to know how to progress at the gym on your own, here are some of my top tips and are both obvious and not so much! I hope they help!

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Lyndsey Roberts
Should you train on your period?

Should you train on your period? There is no definitive answer. The energy of this part of your cycle is to surrender. It’s your opportunity to dive deep, relax yourself from your previous cycle and set intentions for your next. For some people - myself included - their bleed comes with a renewed sense of energy. This could be hormonal and could also be present if you find your premenstrual phase particularly challenging. The sweet arrival of your moon can feel like a beautiful release from those challenges…

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Lyndsey Roberts