It's Okay to Go S L O W

As we reach the end of January, I'm sure you've been bombarded with messages urging you to "get back to it" and embrace the "new year, new you" mindset. Personally, my transition into the new year has been pretty gradual, and it's only now that I truly feel prepared to embark on the year ahead. If you're experiencing a similar sentiment, rest assured - you're not alone.

While I haven't fully embraced the "new year, new me" mantra for quite some time, I've still felt the societal pressure to reinstate all the healthy habits I may have let slide toward the end of the previous year. The reality is, January tends to be challenging for me—it's cold, dark, and all I want to do is hibernate. This year, I decided to honour that. I took my time, treating this month in alignment with nature's rhythm, moving into the new year slowly and mindfully. I allowed myself extra rest when needed, released the pressure to achieve more, and forgo the expectation to "start the year with a bang." The result? I feel remarkably better.

Rather than focusing solely on my physical well-being, I've tuned in to what my entire self requires. I've dedicated time to decluttering my mental space, establishing healthier work boundaries, and creating more room for just being me—Lyndsey, not just the business owner. I've relinquished the urgency, and surprisingly, it has proven more effective than any previous New Year's resolutions, training or business plans I've crafted for myself. I've given myself the permission to just be. As I approach the final week of my 36th year, I feel genuinely ready to embrace the coming year of my life and know that this is how I want all my future January’s to go.

I share this with you today because my intention for this blog has always been honesty and authenticity. A year or two ago, I might have considered this slow emergence a failure. I might have berated myself for not seizing the new year enthusiastically and diving into new plans and ideas. If you find yourself in a similar mindset, I want you to know that I see you, and it's perfectly okay to take things slow. Consider this your reminder to reframe any negative thoughts and recognise that, no matter how your year has begun, there's plenty of time ahead. And that maybe sloth style January is just the tonic we all need.

You’ve got this friends <3