Why I'm Training For My Old Lady Body

In the constantly buzzing world, there is beauty in looking forward, especially when it's toward something as inevitable as aging. In the chaos of work, family and social life, not to mention the relentless pursuit of 'having it all,' I've embarked on maybe a bit of an unconventional journey: training for my old lady body. And guess what? It’s pretty damn liberating. Let me tell you why.

The Unspoken Race Against Time

We're all in this silent sprint against time, aren't we? Society hands us this invisible checklist the moment we step into adulthood—career milestones by 30, the perfect partner, the picturesque home, all while maintaining a social media-worthy lifestyle. But here’s a thought: what if we pumped the brakes and shifted focus? What if, instead of racing against time, we started to move with it, embracing every wrinkle and grey hair as trophies of a life well-lived?

Embracing the Slow Burn

Training for my old lady body isn’t about letting go or giving up on myself; it's the exact opposite. It’s about preparing with grace and strength for the decades to come. It’s about savouring the journey of life and ensuring that when I do reach my golden years, I'm as vibrant and resilient as ever.

Me-Time: The Foundation

Just like in the whirlwind of our current lives, me-time is crucial. For me, that means investing in activities that not only nourish my body but also my soul. Whether it's yoga that keeps me flexible, meditation for my mind, or strength training to ensure my bones are as sturdy as the life I'm building, every moment spent is a step toward a future where I'm thriving.

Cultivating a Garden of Support

As the years pass, the value of a supportive community becomes blindingly apparent. Building a tribe isn't just about having a network; it's about nurturing deep connections that can withstand the test of time. From laughter-filled coffee dates to heartwarming dips in cold waters, these are the moments that feed the soul and bolster the spirit for whatever lies ahead.

Wisdom as My Compass

Gone are the days of sweating the small stuff. Training for my old lady body means prioritising what truly matters. It’s about cultivating wisdom to distinguish between the fleeting and the everlasting, learning to let go of the former and cling to the latter. This wisdom acts as my compass, guiding me through life’s storms and sunny days alike.

Seeking Strength, Inside and Out

The pursuit of physical strength is essential, not just for the sake of health, but as a beacon of empowerment. It’s about proving to myself (and the world) that age will not define my capabilities. Every squat is a rebellion against the stereotype of the frail elderly. It’s a declaration that my later years will be filled with adventure, laughter, and, most importantly, independence.

A Legacy of Resilience

Life, with its myriad of ups and downs, is the ultimate endurance sport. Training for my old lady body is about building resilience, not just physically, but emotionally and mentally. It’s about becoming a beacon of strength and wisdom for those coming up behind me, showing them that age is not a barrier but a milestone to be embraced with pride.

A Toast to the Future

As I look toward my future, I do so not with trepidation but with anticipation. This journey of preparing for my old lady body is one filled with joy, learning, and, above all, love for the person I am becoming. It’s about crafting a life that’s not just about enduring but flourishing, with every laugh line and silver strand as a badge of honour. Here’s to the journey, the preparations, and the incredible dance of life. May we all age not just with grace but with fire in our hearts.

How are you preparing for the future you, and what steps are you taking to ensure your golden years are not just endured, but cherished and celebrated?

Lyndsey Roberts